Get out of your head and do something.

Welcome to my website. More to come…

My favorite writing is here.

How I got here

My life as a writer began with a fox.

The Eiffel Tower on our final night in Paris.

The Paris Trip

My first – and probably not last – attempt at travel writing came after our trip to Paris in 2016.

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When my dad passed away, I tried to find the right words to express my feelings and pay homage to the man. This continues to be a work in progress.

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She was the best cat ever.

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Under renovation

Sure, you’re not supposed to leave stuff “under construction” on your website. But I like this layout and didn’t want to mess it up so you get a photo of The Sphere from our trip to Las Vegas.

More to come

See above. This photo is from a work assignment at the 2023 World Series in Arlington, Tex.

Eventually I’ll put a quote from some story here. For now, enjoy me drinking from the Darth Vader coffee mug that someone ended up accidentally breaking.

Who did that?

I’ll never tell.

Yes, still more to fix

But at least you get this beautiful photo of Teapot Lake, Utah, to look at.

Maybe this will be a contact form?

Obligatory blog link

Once I start blogging again, you’ll be able to read those posts here. But honestly, most of the good stuff will be posted above.

Read my blog

Who knows what this will be?

The template I’m working off of has this as a spot to send me emails. Not sure I want that just yet.