Now I have to stick with it

If I post things two weeks in a row, that’s a streak. Isn’t it?

So I posted a little something yesterday, and I suppose I should explain it a little more.

Plus doing so gives me something to post today for the critically acclaimed* Friday News Dump.

*Not critically acclaimed.

I’ve wanted to do more writing for myself for awhile now, and, well, I’ve got this perfect forum for it. 

I also just want to be a happier, healthier person by the time I hit 50. So why not combine the two by writing about things I want to change about myself.

Hence, if I could change one thing.

I’m looking forward to finding my way with this over the next year or so. I’m still fighting that inner critic who tells me if I’m going to spend my time writing something, it better mean something. 

But it’s a process. So be it.

RIP, Mr. Straub

Author Peter Straub died Sunday. As I mentioned yesterday, I have a number of his books. It’s been awhile since I sat down and read one; maybe a return to Ghost Story or Floating Dragon is in order.

Of course, there’s also The Talisman, his collaboration with Stephen King, and that book’s sequel, Black House. What’s ironic is that, back when I first started becoming a King devotee, The Talisman was one of the books it took me awhile to take a chance on. Young, dumb me didn’t want to read someone horning in on King’s territory. Now, of course, that book is a favorite of mine.

The things we learn when we take a chance.

Football is back

In case you’ve been living under a rock, let me be the millionth person to point out that the NFL is back in action.

Back in January, I wrote about how I didn’t intend to devote my Sunday afternoons to the Colts anymore. If I have time to watch a game, fine, but I don’t intend to have my attitude dependent on the local team.

Now, how long that lasts…

Coming up

My self-imposed “if I could change” schedule coincides with next Friday’s standing-room-only** Friday News Dump, which gives Mr. Procrastinator an extra day to figure out what exactly he’s writing about. 

**You get the drift.

Hey, maybe I’ll share how my fantasy football team fared in Week 1!

*watches everyone unsubscribe*

Maybe not.

See you next week.


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